1. Send birthday cards to everyone in my family for a year
2. Have a family fun night 1 time a week for a year-on our way with Crazy Eights every day!!
3. Finish kids scrapbooks up to 5 y/o
4. Catch up on family scrapbook
5. Start a family routine that we can stick to
6. Go out at least once a month with hubby
7. Write and send a Christmas family letter
8. Keep in touch with my cousins and aunts/uncles-gotten in touch with a few cousins
9. Take each of my kids out 1 day a week to connect with them
10. Spend more time with the kids outside-I look forward to this time of day with them!
11. Write out a family tree together
12. Really stick to a food budget-we have been doing really well with this one:-)
13. Cook homemade meals 6 days a week-I am loving cooking now, and really enjoy making more to freeze the extra!
14. Try 1 new food a month for a year
15. Find 1 new recipe a month for a year-I am trying new recipes all the time now, to mix up our meals a bit!
16. Plant a veggie garden and eat a salad from the harvest
17. Share our harvest with our neighbours
18. Put together a cookbook of favourite family recipes
19. Bless someone with groceries anonymously
20. Go out to see a movie a month
21. Learn to skate again
22. Try out downhill skiing with the kids
24. Try snowshoeing with the family
25. Get together with friends more often
26. Learn 4 new board or card games in 1 year
27. Have people over 6 times in a year
28. Go swimming at a nice sandy beach
29. Go bowling once a month
Fixing up the house
30. Finish organizing sons room-his room is almost organized...but I still want to paint
31. Decorate and organize dd, 8, room-rearranged her room...but still want to paint
32. Decorate and organize dd's 4 and 1 room-it is organized and she is keeping it that way!
33. Paint our room-after the kids are done
34. Paint the kitchen and finish the backsplash-still not done yet
35. Finish the upstairs bathroom-still not finished yet
36. Clean up the backyard and keep the grass cut
37. Gut the garage and make adequate storage areas-it is gutted and all the
38. Clean off the porch and keep it that way for 6 months-it has been pretty good for about 2 months now!!
39. Get Christmas lights up and down on time
40. Write my book
41. Learn 2 new languages
42. Take a class about webpage design
43. Learn to play the guitar again
44. Read 6 books in a year
45. Make Christmas gifts for my family
46. Learn to knit and make something
47. Learn to sew clothes for my kids
48. Learn to crochet and make something
49. Make my Usborne quota again 2 more times-I'm on a probation right now, trying to keep my status:-(
50. Travel to another country with the kids
51. Travel to another country with hubby
52. Visit hubby's home province (Nova Scotia)
53. Go back to the province that we met in (Alberta)
54. Visit friends out of town (Owen Sound)
Movies I want to see
55. See Lord of the Rings all the way through
56. See King Kong
59. See Herbie Rides Again
60. See Memoirs of a Geisha
Help me pick my next 4 movies!!
Things I would like to get
66. All in one for my computer
67. A new desk (armoire style)
68. A new bedroom set
Health and well being (mind/body/soul)
70. Stop drinking pop for at least a month
71. Walk 3 days a week-I am walking again, just got to keep it up!
72. Lose 70 pounds in 10 pound increments
73. Get to the gym 3 days a week-I have done Aquafit 3 times this week so far!
74. Have my hair permed
75. Have my hair highlighted
76. Type and save my poetry album-working on this
77. Make "me time" a half hour a day
79. Make Christmas gifts for everyone-gotta start this one soon!
80. Make gifts for friends who are having baby's
81. Keep in touch with 4 friends from my past-have been in touch with 2 so far!
82. Go out with friends on a regular basis
83. Be there for them whenever needed
84. Water the planters and keep the flowers alive each summer-they died alredy:-(
85. Plant and keep up the front garden and yard-planted some bootiful bulbs that the neighbour gave to us
86. Plant raspberries in the back and keep them under control-we have raspberries that started naturally...there weren't many berries this year, but we are hoping for more next year!
87. Read through the whole Bible
88. Start a Bible study and stick with it
89. Study 12 women in the Bible-we are studying Abigail right now with the ladies at our church
90. Start going to a HBF (Home Bible Fellowship)
91. Give more of myself, time, talent, treasure
92. Open up more and share in front of others (this one is going to bite me in the butt!!)
93. Fill my house with worship music everyday for at least a year (on my way;-)
94. Go to prayer at the church-We have been at prayer a few times now
Miscellanious Stuff
95. Do a load of laundry a day for 6 months
96. Clean out the back hallway and pantry-back hallway is cleaned, the pantry gets cleaned then messy really quick again...gotta work harder here!
97. Get out of debt and stay there-hoping to be debt free by Christmas
98. Tell my hubby and kids that I love them everyday-doing this one daily...it isn't hard to do though:)
99. Get someone else to write a 101 in 1001 list
100. Join NaNoWriMo each October and complete it-this starts in Novemer and I am getting some thoughts together for this!!
101. Write another one at the end of this one (it is late, I will figure it out later!!)
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